

Maduro on 1x10: We have to renew everything, our discourse, our actions

Nicolás Maduro, president of the PSUV
Photo: Internet

Published at: 02/06/2024 05:42 PM

The President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Nicolás Maduro, called on the militancy of the red awning to renew the structure of the 1x10 to guarantee a great victory on July 28.

“We have to renew everything, our discourse, our approach, our form of action, our way of working, and for this election day and the great victory of July 28, the greatest political machinery in history has to work with a well-defined plan,” he stressed during a telephone contact with an organizational meeting of the structures of the PSUV in Lara.

The President also reiterated the importance of obtaining a resounding victory in the presidential elections in order to prevent the right wing from trying to impose violence in the country.

In this regard, he stressed that in the upcoming elections the people are defending their right to be free and sovereign.

“What we are defending is the independence of Venezuela, what we are defending is the right to the future, to our economic, social, political power, our socialist democracy,” he stressed.

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