

Luisa Cáceres de Arismendi: Symbol of resistance and courage (+seeding)

Luisa Cáceres de Arismendi
Photo: Internet

Published at: 02/06/2024 09:13 AM

On June 2, 1866, the physical departure of the Venezuelan revolutionary and independence hero, Luisa Cáceres de Arismendi, a woman who fought courageously for the freedom of these lands, took place.

Born in the city of Caracas, on September 25, 1799, this Venezuelan heroine married the independence warrior, Juan Bautista Arismendi, whom she protected, at the risk of her life, so she was tortured to indicate the whereabouts of her husband, an action that caused the interruption of the pregnancy of their son.

After long days of hardship and torture at the hands of the Spaniards, she was transferred to Cadiz, where she was taken hostage by the kingdom of Spain, who asked her to sign a document declaring her loyalty to the crown, an action she refused to carry out, managing to return to Venezuelan lands on July 26, 1818.

158 years after the death of this rebellious and determined woman, the peoples of our America emulate the strength and conviction of this patriot who is an example for those who fight for definitive independence.

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