

Luis Brión: The Liberator's faithful collaborator (+Christmas)

Admiral Luis Brión died in Curaçao
Photo: Internet

Published at: 06/07/2024 08:10 AM

On July 6, 1872, Luis Brión, a prominent soldier loyal to the Bolivarian Project during the struggles against the Spanish Empire, was born in Curaçao.

From a family originally from Holland, he was a shipowner, merchant and ship owner, but he did not hesitate to abandon everything to join the republican cause. Since the outbreak of the Caracas rebellion in 1810, he joined the patriots.

Brion fought in the Venezuelan War of Independence, reaching the rank of Admiral of the Navies of Venezuela and Gran Colombia, a rank granted by the Liberator, thanks to his valuable performance in the emancipatory cause.

Brión was the first and only Admiral with that title granted during the Venezuelan War of Independence.

On September 27, 1821, he died in Curaçao, who is also considered to be Simon Bolivar's faithful collaborator.

In 1882, his remains were brought to Venezuela and rest in the National Pantheon. The Constituent Congress of Colombia, without knowing the death of Brión, issued a decree on October 13, 1821, preserving all his prerogatives as Captain General of the Navy and instructing the Executive to give the Admiral a sword of honor.

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