

Love and Loyalty! This is how Pueblo expresses affection to Diosdado Cabello for his birthday

Diosdado Cabello's Birthday
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 15/04/2024 09:55 AM

This Monday, April 15, through the social network X, the People flooded with expressions of affection and affection the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, on his birthday.

The revolutionaries and revolutionaries emphasized in their messages the loyalty, love and commitment that Captain Diosdado Cabello has always had to the People, the Fatherland and the Bolivarian Revolution.

For this reason, the men and women of Venezuela did not hesitate to send him blessings and wish him a lot of health, to continue together to consolidate and defend this free, beautiful and sovereign homeland along the path that Commander Hugo Chávez bequeathed to us.

Below are some of the messages full of love and affection from Pueblo Para Cabello:

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