

LOTTT: 12 years of the legal instrument that revolutionized the rights of workers

On April 30, 2012, Commander Hugo Chávez signed the Organic Law on Labor, Workers and Women Workers (Lottt), a historic act that vindicates men and women in the labor field

Published at: 30/04/2024 08:30 AM

On April 30, 2012, Commander Hugo Chávez signed the Organic Law on Labor, Workers and Women Workers (LOTTT), a historic act that vindicates men and women in the labor field.

“I am going to proceed to sign the new Organic Law on Labor, Workers (LOTTT), and I leave it to the people, the workers and workers to comply with it as one of those inexorable laws”, these were some of the words of the Eternal Leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Commander Hugo Chávez, before signing this legal instrument that came to benefit millions of workers in Venezuela.

“I am absolutely sure that just as there has never been a Constitution before in 200 years of history that has ever been debated with such depth and breadth as this Bolivarian Constitution, I am also absolutely sure that there has never been a Labor Law or whatever you call it, that has been discussed, debated as the new Organic Labor Law has been discussed and debated, for this reason I congratulate them and thank them very much, I thank you very much infinitely,” he said.

This legal instrument contemplates the vindication of the rights of domestic workers, such as seniority in the payment of social benefits, leave of 6 weeks before and 20 weeks after giving birth, for working women. In addition, it recovers the double payment, in the event of dismissals, among other claims.

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