

Loneliness, loneliness, loneliness! La Sayona and Inmundo score yet another failure

This was the Rally of the extreme right this Wednesday
Internet photo

Published at: 28/08/2024 04:31 PM

This Wednesday, August 28, La Sayona (María Corina Machado) and Inmundo González catapulted another failure of the Venezuelan extreme right in the rally convened today in Caracas, which was intended to “celebrate” one month since their electoral defeat, although they insist on denying it.

The streets in front of the Lido Center, in the capital city, witnessed the failure and loneliness of the Venezuelan extreme right and the lack of demand for the activity, which failed to fill the entire block.

Although they insist on selling “smoke pots” and defrauding, through social networks and media, which number in the millions, the reality is that they have no street power and that fewer and fewer people believe their worn-out discourse from “to the end”.

Without a doubt, La Sayona and Inmundo are only continuing to prolong their sad ending, which, like all vendetpatrias, is the dustbin of history and the rejection of a people that is known to be free, sovereign and independent and that does not kneel before any empire.


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