

Lift the blockade now! Thus, the People of Venezuela demand that the United States end sanctions

Published at: 08/05/2024 11:56 PM

In large mobilizations full of joy, love and revolutionary force, the Venezuelan People of Zuli , Falcón, Monagas, Caracas and Sucre have raised their voices to reject attacks against the Homeland and demand that the United States government lift the blockade and sanctions illegally imposed on our country.

In every activity, the men and women of this country have made clear their rejection of that right, who have called for sanctions and attacks against Venezuela.

In addition, they have ratified their deep love and support for the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, and for the Bolivarian Revolution.

“We are tethered with Maduro! This people will not allow themselves to be subdued”, this was confirmed by the people who are on the street in defense of the sovereignty and independence of the Fatherland.

Mazo News Team