

Liars and thieves! Learn why María Violencia is trapped and what Leopoldo López is planning with CITGO

María Conira Machado
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 12/06/2024 08:43 PM

Wednesday, June 12, 2024.

Place: In Margarita watching me return to Caracas without being eaten by sharks

Patriota del Valle Arriba Country

Hello Gordooooooooooo! How are you, chubby of my life and my heart? It hurts up to the tip of the Diosdado, that is, of the hair. La Cori, in her eagerness to come to Margarita (I don't know why because this was a real failure), made us go out last night by boat to get to the show early today, no matter how much she asked the Virgin, all bad drink, all bad.

Here I am drinking a mimosa, I want to lose my clarity, bone! , not to see or know about Cori. Chubby, as the political funeral of Uncle Inmundo and Cori approaches, she becomes more nervous, more apprehensive. Dear God Joseph, I don't know how much longer I can resist so many lies, so much deception.

Cori asks me to deceive with the amount of commands; to deceive the International Community; to deceive the International Community; to deceive on tours with the supposed followers who come out crying; that we pay the Chavistas motorized to accompany us; that we deceive by saying that the Chavistas and the military are ready for a transition; chubby, PLEASE! , HELP ME! Cori manufactures more lies than an automatic icemaker at full speed. But listening to the drum as my friend Hugo Chávez used to say, remember that a liar, if he can't convince you, tries to confuse you, and that's what Cori is doing, confusing everyone, even herself.

Look at my gordis! , we all know that my Uncle Inmundo is going to lose, including my friend Francisco Palmieri the ambassador of the United States, Diosdi go to his Instagram and look for his latest post about Venezuela, where he says that the most important thing is to reach the 28J election and promote the participation of everyone regardless of the party, Oseaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! , Please oooooorrrrr! , that message hit Cori like a kick, she got furious when she read it, Cori knows she's very alone, my friends the gringos want business, not problems! , and Cori, right now, from what my friends at the State Department told me, it's a big problem ! Oh my God, José, I said Big Problem, not Big Cola.

God, Game Over! with the little commands. We are still desperate for the controls because the international community is demanding that Cori, without a structure to protect the vote, how will she sing fraud? Cori had set us an initial goal of 80,000 commands. Last Monday Cori said we had 27,000, and this Monday he said we had 33,000, GOD, PLEASE! , if we had that amount it wouldn't be necessary for Cori herself to go out every Monday to beg for them to be added up to increase the numbers, the truth is that Diosdado José Cabello Rondón is that we didn't even reach 14,600 commandos. You who like mathematics and make derivatives, limits, maximums and minimums, probabilities, statistics, graphs, series and even the deck, hahahahaha, do your math: if there are only seven weeks left until the election and we grow 3000 commands per week we would still not reach the goal.

I look in the mirror and say to myself: “myself, we have come from bad to worse”. Diosdi, although Cori has been attending international events for two weeks and was speaking to Spanish senators on Monday, the truth is that Cori is losing influence in Brussels, that is, in the European Union.

My KEN DEL FURRIAL, I'm going with the gossip! full of what happened. It turns out that Leopoldo López is truly responsible for the European Union not coming to Venezuela, because he dedicated himself to sabotaging the process of lifting sanctions. Spain was moving its diplomacy and had recommended to the European Union that the best thing was to lift all sanctions, however, the lobby of “Los Leopoldos” set out to seek a break in relations so that the EU could not come and thus protect its plan to declare the election of July 28 illegitimate.

But “mischief comes out” my “FURRIALEÑA COMPOTE” * “Los Leopoldos” are very worried because they lost their entrance to the European Parliament. My friends from the PP and URSULA VON DER LEYEN, president of the European Commission, discovered that “The Leopoldos” were working for the world's extreme right, this is the real reason why the PP removed “Leopoldo papa” from the lists of candidates for parliament and the same reason why they were expelled from the Socialist International. But I tell you more, the European liberals who have been funding Cori for years are also suspicious of the close ties that Cori has with Vox and other extremist groups, so my friend has a problem there too.

Diosdi, talking about the event with the Spanish senate, I'll leave you a photo that I swear to you gives me a cosiness to see Miguel Henrique Otero thrown away, alone, back there, and that has a reason. The friendship between “Los López” and “Los Otero” was diluted, and you're partly to blame. It turns out that Miguel Henrique Otero is demanding from CITGO a hefty compensation of one hundred million dollars because of you, yes Diosdado José, because Otero says that is the minimum to compensate for the expropriation of El Nacional, you can imagine that Leopoldo López, who aspires to be the real holder of CITGO, didn't like that.

This is where you start to call me toxic, but I bet you didn't know that Crazy Leo is trying to keep a CITGO part after they auction it off, so he got involved in buying CRISTALEX shares that were on the decline through a financial broker called* “TENOR” located in New York, that is, Leopoldo López is not enough with what he did in Monómers and what he currently earns by negotiating with CITGO, but he seeks to officially keep part of our assets, honestly these people don't deserve the forgiveness of our country. But hey my piece of ham and cheese! , the FBI and some American intelligence agencies follow these traces closely, remember that the United States is an expert in raising its children and then eating them when they stop serving them.

Diosdado José Listen To Me! , in Bejucal and at the Argentine embassy, we are still putting everything together to sing fraud. We put all the heads of the Unitary Platform to testify about the fraud; there have been several meetings in Washington and Europe, but fat boy, we haven't been able to convince much, that's why Cori has forbidden my Uncle Inmundo to talk about agreements or negotiations to recognize the results.

Cori is very upset about the event in Barinas with my Uncle Inmundo and the opposing governors. Cori believes it is a provocation by Rosales and Garrido. She is so upset that last night smoking she told me that she hated them, however, there are people pushing for Cori to attend that event because it would be a message of “unity”. To be honest, I find it complicated, although you already know that Cori has lost her shame, modesty and coherence, just as one day she said that she would not go to the Supreme Court and that was, today she can say that she is not going to Barinas and she shows up.

Tomorrow I'm going with my Uncle Inmundo to Cumbre de Curumo, I hope they don't change my schedule because going out with that diaper bag isn't easy.

I write to you and I feel like in the movie Lady and the Wanderer, I'm a princess and you're a crab.

Miss me, remember that you are my baby Fiufiu.