

Learn why María Violencia doesn't abandon the conspiracy path

Maria Conira Machado
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 17/04/2024 10:10 PM

April 17th, 2024. Mandrin Oriental Hotel, Washington by Diosdado Cabello

Patriot VIP

Hello my friend Furrialeño, how are you? I'm still in Washington because things are still hopeless here, by the way, how did you spend your Birthday? Brother, it's been 61 springs, you have to do like me, drink green juices, train and put a cucumber mask on your face every night.

Brother, hot bread comes to Mazo directly from The White House.

After the intense lobbies of María Corina Machado, Leopoldo López and Julio Borges, the re-imposition of sanctions affecting oil and gas activity in Venezuela took place. This measure is given at the explicit request of this stale opposition leadership, which must be swept away on July 28 with a mass vote of the patriotic people.

In parallel to what was happening today in Washington DC, Mrs. MaríaViolencia met with Corina Yoris and the so-called Broad Women's Front, a small group of women from Chacao and El Cafetal, there they celebrated the measure taken by the North American government.

The truth of the matter is that, with this re-imposition of sanctions, the opposition confirms its total disconnection with the people, they want Venezuelans not to have the opportunity to improve their living conditions because that, according to their selfish and fascist logic, helps the corny Nicolás Maduro.

Dear God, we cannot let our guard down, MaríaViolencia, although she tries to stay on the electoral issue due to pressure from the Americans, she does not abandon either the path of conspiracy or her idea of involving the international community in a new adventure. Two weeks ago, some advisors to María Corina proposed to the Americans the creation of a new “interim government”, just as you read it. Several meetings were held in which they proposed the creation of a kind of Governing Board so that, once July 28, they would be given international recognition, and with it, to be able to manage the resources of the Venezuelan State abroad. For now this proposal was rejected, however, my grandmother taught me that if the river sounds it is because it brings stones. MaríaViolencia's obsession and arrogance for power is leading her to commit more crazy things, don't lose sight of her.

The Rosales vs. Machado war is coming to an end, we'll see if it's sweet or bitter.

Brother, I'll tell you that within the Unitary Platform the war worsens as the hours go by. Last night, Rosales was clear and forceful in denouncing that there are sectors within the opposition that do not believe in the electoral route and are betting on violence in the country. María Corina didn't say anything, but she understood each other just the same. This sparked the fury of Machado, who immediately ordered the reinforcement of attacks on social networks against Manuel Rosales.

By the way, Rosales has the support of the main PUPU organizations to advance his candidacy, but the micro parties that are no more than 100 members, the same ones that have never participated in elections or have representation, are blocking the possibility of the botox hoarder keeping the MUD card, let's see what they do between now and Saturday when the replacement period expires.

The news of the message that María Corina sent to you through Carlos Ocariz didn't feel right at all. Couldn't she choose another messenger? , Cori's followers and her financiers are concerned about this action by the lady, since she never consulted anyone about it. Unfortunately, he continues to lie and hide things, as always.

A communication war is coming from everyone against everyone, and everyone against the government, but right now they are so busy fighting each other, that they forgot about their montage about the “Aragua train” and “narco-tyranny”, I say this to remind them that they are not serious and they just take a topic like a fad, take it and release it according to their convenience, without evidence, without solid arguments, no one can believe them.

Another thing, my sources at the PUPU tell me that the cover candidate of the MUD, Edmundo González, has already made it clear that he does not want to continue. The waiver of his application is signed and in the hands of Omar Barboza's old man.

Brother, it's time to close ranks, days of desperation and complication are coming for the opposition and its partners abroad. I'll be moving from one place to another because there are things that are being cooked for next week, I'll tell you.

Remember that I am your fine and important friend, change and go.

Mazo News Team