

Learn why drug traffickers Álvaro Uribe and Iván Duque are upset with La Sayo (+false positives)

El Paraco de Uribe recommended that La Sayo develop a false positive on one of his tours
Photo: Internet

Published at: 10/07/2024 11:04 PM

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Maracaibo, Santa Lucia sector, diagonal to Pa' Que Luis, in the house with Chávez's face painted on the PSUV card and the Maduro poster.

What was Diosdado? How are you my dear brother? Look cousin, what I'm doing touring with María Corina, alias “La Sayo”, I'm doing it for you, you see I wouldn't even do it for mom.

Primo La Sayo speaks louder than a parrot on an empty stomach and commands more than the alternator in my Farline 500. Brother, we are coming to Anzoátegui, I walk like cockroaches, without a pompom to sit on, but what hurts me the most is that here you don't have a schedule to eat and you know that I am strict with meal times, I have to eat for 2 to 2 hours and in industrial quantities to maintain this figure of sumo athlete.

Well Diosdado, we are getting into the matter because I have several atomic bombs for you and what you are going to be left is crazy, so put on your seat belt and imagine that we are in Formula 1.

Brother, you know that we were coming on the highway from the east and suddenly La Sayo stopped the van because a video call came in, none other than the former presidents of Colombia Álvaro Uribe, alias “El Paraco” and Iván Duque, alias “El Porky”. The two pussies were visibly uncomfortable and beat up María Corina because they claim that it was the intimate group of La Sayo that leaked information about the hiring of Colombian paramilitary groups to commit acts of terrorism in Venezuela such as sabotaging the national electricity system, tearing down bridges, preventing the presidential election of 28 July and attempting the life of President Nicolás Maduro.

Uribe, alias “El Paraco”, told María Corina that it was a mistake on her part to send the leaders of the Conquering Self-Defense Forces of the Sierra Nevada to be contacted from Venezuela, since the Venezuelan government has many loyal informants in Colombia and that she should have let it be them, Uribe and Duque, who from Bogotá set up the entire operation and the links with the paramilitary groups so that the information would not leak.

“El Porky” recommended that La Sayo try not to talk about the topic of the Conquering Self-Defense Forces of the Sierra Nevada with the media, since it would harm them all. Before closing, Duque pledged to María Corina to send her, from Cúcuta, the money needed for election day.

Diosdado, but this story doesn't end here, there's a more delicate topic, but you know, you can't tell anyone so they don't distrust Patricio. Faced with the leak of rapprochements between La Sayo and Colombian paramilitary groups to sabotage the presidential election of July 28, Álvaro Uribe, alias “El Paraco”, recommended that María Corina lower the volume on this issue until it cools down in national and international public opinion, but while this is happening, El Paraco de Uribe recommended that La Sayo develop a false positive on one of his tours. Let me explain better brother: Uribe recommended that La Sayo plan a terrorist self-attack in one of his campaign events for her to victimize herself and hold the government responsible. Uribe also recommended to La Sayo that, if necessary, one of the mercenaries should be asked to attack the physical integrity of Edmundo González, alias Chespirito, and thus justify Edmundo's withdrawal from the electoral campaign. Uribe believes that this would be much better than Chavism winning. La Sayo said that she liked the idea and that she would plan the right time to develop this plan.

Diosdado you know that Inmundo is not a saint of my devotion, but you know that I had a good grandfather and I am very respectful of gray hair, I am very worried that La Sayo, due to her ambition for power, will send Chespirito to do harm and go to blame the government for this misfortune, so brother put your batteries on and warn Super Mustache about this so that they can take action on the matter. Remember that, if not for you, Antonio Ledezma, alias “The Vampire”, would have murdered Leopoldo López in 2014. Brother like you always say: “Warned war, it doesn't kill soldiers”.

Primo, another fact I have for you is that La Sayo met a guy who calls him “The Extortionist” and they met at Helen Fernández's house, I was there, no one told me because La Sayo asked me to accompany her. Brother, the guy was pounding on La Sayo and offering things in exchange for giving him a space with María Corina and Inmundo.

The extortionist made his contacts in Washington, Colombia, Spain available to María Corina, and he also told her about his excellent relationships with businessmen who could help María Corina on election day, cousin! I was colder than the nose of the reindeer in San Nicolás. How is Sayo going to join this extortionist who is more false than an anime ladder?

Since Sayo knows that this could be leaked and that her followers will not forgive her for an alliance with this guy, Sayo sent the instruction to her communications people to deny the encounter, but she doesn't know that I have the evidence and I'm going to give it to you.

Diosdado, since you always ask me for a ñapa, I'm going to give it to you: you know that La Sayo's lawsuit with the opposition governors is stinging and spreading. La Sayo declared open war to Sergio Garrido, governor of Barinas, just as she declared it to the governor of Zulia, Manuel Rosales, alias “The Philosopher”. A great fight and a great confrontation are coming up there, you are waiting.

Well brother I'll leave you, here I'm in the van tighter than Ricky Martin's pants, if mom asks you about me, tell her that we're in the campaign for the re-election of Maduro, teaching people to vote for Chávez's only party, the Socialist Party of Venezuela PSUV.

What I love you is pod brother, I love you more than the meat on the rod with buffalo cheese, sausage, pork ribs, avocado salad with tomato, cachaça gizzard, the chicken and beef cross and the mega-cake of three milks with cheese that I ate on the trip to Barinas.

You take care of me dear cousin, change and go.

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