

Learn how to participate in the National Popular Consultation this Sunday

National Popular Consultation 2024
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Published at: 19/04/2024 10:29 AM

This coming Sunday, April 21, the 2024 National Popular Consultation process will take place throughout the country, which will start at six in the morning when all authorized electoral centers open their doors.

Participating in this consultation process is very easy, you just have to follow the following steps:

  • Go to the authorized polling station in your community and present your identity card
  • Check prioritized projects that benefit your community
  • Select the option of your choice
  • Verify the selected option
  • Put the ballot in the box
  • Record your vote with your signature and fingerprint in the voting book

Let us remember that in this process, 4,500 projects will be elected throughout the country, the projects that result with the highest votes will be financed by the National Government and directly executed by the organized communities themselves.

It is important to note that the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, emphasized that this National Popular Consultation is for the people to decide the communal projects that will be carried out in each space and to manage their own resources and decisions from the ground up.

Mazo News Team