

Learn about the speech prepared by the right-wing conspirators (+a woman)

First Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela Diosdado Cabello
Photo With the Dando Mazo

Published at: 25/01/2024 03:59 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, unveiled part of the speech that the conspirators had prepared after the violent actions they intended to carry out in the 21st Infantry Brigade in San Cristóbal, Táchira state.

In this regard, during his program Con el Mazo Dando No. 461, the revolutionary leader assured that the speech was ready for a woman to read.

... I send them 'see you later', because I am sure that as the days go by we will continue to keep in touch to consolidate hope and reinforce my commitment to a much better tomorrow,” Cabello read to assure that the speech was for an opposition leader.

Here is the excerpt from the speech read by Cabello:

“For all these reasons, I am committed to following this libertarian route that definitely brings us the joy of leaving this oppressive regime and also provides us with the edifying opportunity to rebuild the Venezuela that we all want...

Let us go together with strength, with firmness, with conscience, with determination and courage to liberate our people and our beloved Venezuela...

... I send them 'see you later', because I am sure that as the days go by we will continue to keep in touch to consolidate hope and reinforce my commitment to a much better tomorrow”.

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