

Lavrov: The West's attempts to isolate Russia have failed

Lavrov emphasized that Russia will continue to develop as a friendly and open country to the world

Published at: 27/02/2024 09:34 AM

During his speech at the Second Congress of the International Russophile Movement, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov asserted that the West failed in its attempt to isolate the Eurasian nation.

“It seems natural that the destructive lines of Western elites to isolate Russia, even in global information and cultural spaces, and, in general, the lines to cancel everything that in one way or another is related to our country, have completely failed,” he said.

In addition, Lavrov emphasized that Russia will continue to develop as a friendly and open country to the world.

“We will continue to promote the democratization of international life and its development based on the principles of the United Nations Charter in their entirety and in the totality of these principles, which the West does not want to do categorically and does not want to notice such key principles of the United Nations Charter as respect for the sovereign equality of States and non-interference in their internal affairs,” he emphasized.

As published by the Sputnik web portal, the II Congress of the International Russophiles Movement and Forum on Multipolarity brings together experts from 130 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America and North America.

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