

LARA - TORRES/Nicolás Maduro: On 28J we are going to show the world that this people are not going to give up and will continue in Revolution

He emphasized his gratitude to the People for their support in these years of battle against imperialism and its lackeys of the extremist opposition.
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 28/05/2024 10:11 PM

“On July 28, we are going to teach the world a lesson; we are going to show it that this is a people of liberators who are not going to give up and will continue their revolutionary path.”

This was stated by the candidate of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and the political organizations belonging to the Great Patriotic Pole, Nicolás Maduro, in telephone contact with the participants in the Great Mobilization of the People of the Torres municipality in Lara state.

He emphasized his gratitude to the People for their support in these years of battle against imperialism and its lackeys of the extremist opposition who do not cease in their plans to surrender the Fatherland.

Mazo News Team