

LARA - TORRES/Diosdado Cabello: Nicolás Maduro is the candidate who is not afraid of imperialism

Day of mobilization of the revolutionary militancy in Carora
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 28/05/2024 09:39 PM

On the night of this Tuesday, May 28, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello participated in a mobilization registered in the town of Carora in the state of Lara, where he emphasized that “Nicolás Maduro is the candidate who is not afraid of imperialism”

“Nicolás Maduro is the candidate of love, the candidate of Chávez, the candidate of the People because he is like us,” he said.

In his words, he specified that the candidate who “is courageous, is not afraid of anyone, is strong and a leader that is Nicolás Maduro (...) he is our candidate in the presidential elections.”

“He doesn't allow himself to be manipulated by anyone, because no one comes to wind him up. Nine patarucos have the extreme right all the same, there are no differences between, they are rats, those people when the pandemic was in full swing here, where were they? They were applauding you for the sanctions. It's people who hate our people,” he said.

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