

LARA - TORRES/Adolfo Pereira: No one will be able to take the street away from us!

Two mobilizations took place this Tuesday in the musical capital of Venezuela
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 28/05/2024 10:27 PM

The national liaison of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) in Lara state, Adolfo Pereira assured that “no one will ever be able to take the street away from us!”

This was stated at the close of a second mobilization registered in that entity on the night of this Tuesday, May 28, against the U.S. blockade of the country and in support of the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and candidate for the July 28 election, Nicolás Maduro.

In his words, he said he was happy that “on Jacinto Lara Day we took to the streets to march for the country, against sanctions and to confirm our support for the candidate”.

He added that the Town of Carora is organized and demonstrates their loyalty by filling their streets.

“We are a people that loves, defends the Revolution and also demands the cessation of sanctions and coercive measures imposed on Venezuela,” he said.

The governor also thanked the visit of the first vice-president of the PSUV, Diosdado Cabello, who said that “we are on the way to the resounding victory of July 28 because Venezuela does not want a blockade, it wants peace, well-being and growth.”

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