

LARA - SANARE/President Maduro: We are experiencing a new awakening of history

March in support of President Nicolás Maduro in Lara state

Published at: 29/05/2024 12:48 PM

The president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Nicolás Maduro, highlighted this Wednesday the new awakening of the Homeland with the People in the street loyal to the Bolivarian Revolution, on the way to the elections next July 28.

“We are experiencing a new awakening of history, a new awakening of the Homeland. We have been loyal, I have been loyal to the People, I have been loyal to the legacy of the Liberators and Commander Chávez (...) and we are going in the years to come to continue with loyalty, changing everything that needs to be changed and making a new revolution in peace,” said the People's candidate.

In telephone contact with a massive mobilization in Sanare, Lara state, President Maduro said that the extremist sectors of the opposition dedicated themselves to lying and stealing from the people “and now they come out with their masks, with their faces well washed to say that they want the vote.”

“There are the traitors to the Fatherland and here are the loyal ones, here are the ones here, because of the leadership we have built over all these years,” he emphasized.

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