

LARA - SANARE/Jorge Rodríguez: This People defeated imperialism and its kneeling people

Jorge Rodríguez, head of the Venezuela Nuestra campaign command
Photo: Screenshot

Published at: 29/05/2024 02:23 PM

The Venezuelan people, led by President Nicolás Maduro, defeated North American imperialism and its Creole lackeys by overcoming all the difficulties caused by sanctions and the Covid-19 pandemic, said Jorge Rodríguez, the general coordinator of the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command.

“We can proudly say that we defeated that rude empire, its leaders, its kneeling,” he said, while stressing that the Venezuelan people will support, on July 28, the candidate of the Revolution, Jorge Rodríguez.

In this regard, during a mobilization in Sanare, Lara state, in support of President Nicolás Maduro, he assured that the sanctions imposed by imperialism at the request of the Venezuelan right were intended to kill the Venezuelan people in a small way.

“Those criminal sanctions, having defeated them, made us better women, better men. Now we are better Venezuelans and we love this land more because we know that we can grow in the face of difficulties. They believed they were going to defeat us and they did nothing but turn us into better men and better women,” she said.

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