

LARA - PALAVECINO/Rodríguez: The right wing wants to take power to hand over our wealth to the United States

Mobilization in the population of Cabudare against the imperial blockade
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 29/05/2024 04:06 PM

From the town of Cabudare, in Lara state, the general coordinator of the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command assured that the right wing wants to take power in the country to “seize our wealth, land and hand them over to their owners, the gringos.”

At the close of a large mobilization registered in favor of the Bolivarian Revolution and against the imperial blockade, Rodríguez specified that “we cannot allow those dragged to steal from us again, we have to stay in the streets with that new 1x10".

Rodríguez urged the population and especially the mobilizers to stay on the streets, organized and constantly supervised. “We must remain alert and attentive from now until July 28 so that the members of the 1x10 are taken care of by us and we know their reflections and thoughts. We are going to ask them to always accompany us in this battle.”

In his words, the pesuvist leader added that “we now know the damage that the right wing can do to the country and how dragged and hyenas can become. The worst is over and now we are better Venezuelans because we know that we can grow in difficulties (...) That's why on July 28, we must go out in a conscious and organized way to vote.”

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