

LARA - PALAVECINO/President Maduro: I put my life, my body, my chest to defend the people

March in support of President Nicolás Maduro in Lara state

Published at: 29/05/2024 04:54 PM

The president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Nicolás Maduro, confirmed his loyalty to the People, for whom he has given his life without letting himself stray from the path to the construction of the Homeland.

“We have been loyal and I have been loyal to the People, to our Commander Hugo Chávez and his legacy, there have been a thousand temptations for me to betray the People, a thousand temptations and offers, millions of dollars to betray the People (...) I never did and will never do it,” said the Homeland candidate.

In telephone contact with a mass mobilization in Cabudare, Lara state, President Maduro reaffirmed his commitment to Venezuelans to advance the country's prosperity after the victory in the upcoming elections on July 28.

“I put my life, my body, my chest to defend the People with loyalty. The worst times have passed and what we are going is going up, what we are going to is going to prosperity, to growth, to big”, he emphasized.

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