

LARA - JIMÉNEZ/President Maduro: The People of Bolivia defeated fascism and its coup d'etat

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Republic of Venezuela
Presidential Press

Published at: 26/06/2024 06:04 PM

President Nicolás Maduro, during an encounter with the love and joy of the people of Quibor, in the state of Lara, rejected the coup attempt being carried out in Bolivia that was defeated by the people in the main streets of the cities of that country.

“Today was a special day for South America, I just spoke with the president of Bolivia, Lucho Arce, who confirmed to me that sectors of the extreme right, with a traitor military, tried to carry out a coup d'etat, at this time the people mobilized in La Paz, Cochabamba, Oruro, Potosí defeated the fascist attempt,” stressed the Head of State.

Faced with a massive rally, he denounced that these sectors of the Bolivian extreme right are the same ones that are trying to overthrow the Bolivarian Revolution. However, he said that “the people of Bolivia are in the streets and have defeated the fascist coup, the coup d'etat. Long live the people of Bolivia! . Long live Lucho Arce! Long live Evo Morales! ”.

“At this time, we could say, a popular insurrection is taking place, and soldiers loyal to the people have been sworn in by President Lucho Arce. Who is behind the coup d'etat in Bolivia? Who wanted to stage the coup d'etat in Bolivia? The same people who would like to stage a coup d'etat in Venezuela, who would like to bring hatred, intolerance, violence and guarimba back to Venezuela,” warned President Maduro.

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