

LARA - IRIBARREN/President Maduro: We are going to the future to transform our Homeland

“Long live the Town of Lara!” , said the head of state

Published at: 06/06/2024 07:45 PM

This Thursday, June 6, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, expressed his gratitude to the people of Lara State: “Thank you for so much love, for so much support and for so much patriotism!”

“We are going to create what is new for the future, to transform our Homeland,” he said.

This was stated by the head of state, before the people gathered in the San Vicente sector, in the municipality of Iribarren, in Lara, to whom he visited and offered his loving embrace, after completing a productive day of work in the municipalities of Simón Planas and Palavecino.

“Long live the Town of Lara! “, he stressed.

President Maduro took stock of the issues addressed in the El Maizal Commune, and stated that in the first quarter, agricultural production in the state of Lara increased 9.6%.

“Record number of agricultural growth (...) We have achieved supply with the production of states like Lara,” he said.

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