

LARA - IRIBARREN/Cabello: Nicolás doesn't have to wear disguise to be a People because he comes from the People

March in support of President Nicolás Maduro in Lara state
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 28/05/2024 06:11 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, reiterated this Tuesday that President Nicolás Maduro is part of the People and does not have to disguise himself to look like the People, unlike opposition leaders.

Nicolás Maduro has been on the street, we see Nicolás Maduro walking with the students, walking with the youth. We see him walking with the workers today and tomorrow we see him in a factory and the day after tomorrow at a march with the family and he is dancing with his grandparents, greeting them embracing them,” said Cabello.

From the Iribarren municipality of Lara state, during a massive mobilization in support of the Head of State, the senior leader of the red awning stressed that Maduro “is an active president, he is a president with energy, with strength, with character, he is a popular leader.”

In contrast, Cabello pointed out that candidates on the right are disposable. “You put them in a jar, those in a blender, and you beat them and you lose the jar, that jar is useless. These are contaminated people, they don't love the Homeland,” he said.

Finally, he ratified that “Nicolás Maduro looks like us, he looks like the People, he belongs to the people, he doesn't have to wear disguise to be a People because Nicolás comes from the People, he comes from below fighting”.

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