

LARA - IRIBARREN/Adolfo Pereira: Our President Nicolás Maduro leaves us the line and here is the people on the street”

“How proud to have the people on the street today,” said Pereira
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 28/05/2024 05:34 PM

The political liaison of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), in Lara state, Adolfo Pereira, said that “when we celebrate the birth of some of our heroes we have to see the virtues, which are being reaped to this day”, referring to the celebration of the 247th birthday of Jacinto Lara.

“Lara is on the street, which is so beautiful and what an honor to celebrate the birth of Jacinto Lara (...) how proud to have the Town on the street today, a victorious town, above all loyal, that was Jacinto Lara,” he said.

He stressed that he admired the People of Lara for their loyalty. “Let's be like Jacinto Lara who, even after Bolívar's death, proved to be the most loyal man.”

In that regard, he thanked the first vice-president of the PSUV, Diosdado Cabello Rondón, for presiding and being the speaker of Order, a tremendous speech.”

This was stated in the Ana Soto sector of the Iribarren municipality in Lara state, where a mobilization led by the first vice-president of the PSUV, Diosdado Cabello Rondón, took place in support of the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro and in rejecting the United States block against the country.

He pointed out that “our President Nicolás Maduro leaves us the line and here is the people on the street.”

For her part, the spokeswoman for the parish Ana Soto, the head of the Community, Yalexi Martínez, said that “here we are representing the thousands of women from the communities and the UBCH, who are mainly responsible for mobilizing all these people for that triumph.”

“We have to remember the reasons why our Commander Hugo Chávez chose Nicolás Maduro: because he represents each one of you, us as a working class, we are humble neighborhood people,” he emphasized.

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