

La Villa del Cine: 18 years of historical rescue through the audiovisual arts

With the arrival of the Bolivarian Revolution, Venezuelan cinema becomes a historical record of prominent figures throughout the independence quest and the events of the struggle during the Fourth Republic

Published at: 03/06/2024 08:00 AM

On June 3, 2006, Commander Hugo Chávez inaugurated the Film Village with the objective of promoting national development in this artistic area and making Venezuelan culture visible on the big screen.

Villa del Cine comes to contribute to the restoration of our memory as a nation before the world, as an, I repeat, Indo-American nation,” said Commander Chávez during the inauguration.

The Villa del Cine is the first and only film production company in the Venezuelan State, which over these 18 years has produced more than 40 national productions and more than 23 co-productions including short films, documentaries and films, for different formats.

With the arrival of the Bolivarian Revolution, Venezuelan cinema becomes a historical record of prominent figures throughout the independence quest and the events of the struggle during the Fourth Republic.

Zamora (2009); Miranda Regresa (2007); Taita Boves (2013); Bolívar, the Man of Difficulties (2013) among others of various genres, which, with the creation of the Film Village, gave way to a major production in the national industry today.

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