

LA GUAIRA - VARGAS/Rodríguez: The opposition government's plan is to hand over the resources of the Homeland

“That's their project, that's why they didn't present anything to the National Electoral Council,” Rodríguez said
PSUV press

Published at: 11/06/2024 05:14 PM

The opposition sector in general and the extremists in particular lack a real government proposal to the Venezuelan people except to hand over the resources of the Homeland, as emphasized by the national coordinator of the Campaign Command “Our Venezuela”, Jorge Rodríguez z, from the municipality of Vargas, La Guaira state, where he led a day of checking the 1x10x7.

He argued that the opponents “have no Homeland, they don't love this land”.

In this regard, he specified that the proposals of these sectors are committed to the gringos.

“The first is to privatize education, we cannot let our schools privatize us and only the children of the rich can study,” he said, while warning that “proposal number two is to privatize health (...) and the third is to privatize PDVSA. They already decided, they want to give the oil to the gringos,” he said.

Rodríguez denounced that the fourth proposal, of these stateless persons, is to “hand over Guiana Essequiba to Exxon Mobil, we cannot hand over that territory to a North American oil company.”

“That's their project, that's why they didn't present anything to the National Electoral Council,” he stressed.

He also recalled that despite the fact that the right wing has been repeatedly defeated by the Venezuelan people, “they insist on provoking us.”

“They insist with their lies, with their surrender, because their main characteristic is that they kneel to gringos,” he said.

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