LA GUAIRA - VARGAS/Maduro: We are a reality and we are going to give a fight to the oligarchy that covers its eyes on 28J

“I have been loyal to the oath I took to Chávez and the People,” he said. “I have been loyal to the oath I took to Chávez and the People,” he said.
“I have been loyal to the oath I took to Chávez and the People,” he said.
Campaign Command

Con El Mazo Dando 11 años

Published at: 22/07/2024 10:08 PM

From La Guaira, in the midst of an intense rain that Chavism attributes to the presence of the Supreme Commander spirit Hugo Chávez, the People's candidate, Nicolás Maduro, emphasized that the victory of the revolutionary forces this Sunday, July 28, will be overwhelming.

In a speech addressed to the thousands of Guaireños who gathered to show their support, Maduro stressed that the Chavistas are a reality that has tried to be invisible by the oligarchy and which they have underestimated.

“We are a reality, the oligarchy covers its eyes and has underestimated us for so long,” he said, while stating that on Sunday, July 28, “we will give you an oligarchy fight.”

He warned that in the face of the plans of sabotage and violence that the right wing seeks to implement, “I have in my hand and in my being the perfect civic-military-police union”, so he affirmed that his triumph on July 28 is a guarantee of peace.

“I have been loyal to the oath I took to Chávez and the People, I risked my life to fulfill the oath of loyalty and I tell them and guarantee that there will be peace in Venezuela before, during and after the 28th,” he said.

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