

LA GUAIRA - VARGAS/Jorge Rodríguez: Nicolás Maduro builds economic prosperity and social peace

Jorge Rodríguez president of the AN in La Guaira
PSUV La Guaira

Published at: 11/06/2024 05:08 PM

The national coordinator of the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command, Jorge Rodríguez, during the review of the 1x10 electoral machinery in La Guaira, reiterated that, after the defeat of the sanctions imposed by imperialism, Venezuela builds prosperity and social peace.

“That's why we presented this plan for prosperity with the seven transformations, for culture, for science, technology for the future,” Rodríguez Gómez said during his speech where he assured that Nicolás Maduro's candidacy for the presidential elections is the guarantee of social peace and economic growth.

He stressed that the worst is over and they defeated imperialism and its opposition lackeys with their oligarch representatives.

“We defeated their sanctions, we defeated the guarimbas, the aggressions, their violence, Covid 19 and now we are going to build prosperity alongside the people of Venezuela,” he said.

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