

LA GUAIRA - VARGAS/Governor Terán: The unity that exists in La Guaira is essential to determine political victory

1x10 Electoral Review Day
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 11/06/2024 04:57 PM

“The unity that exists in the state of La Guaira is fundamental to determining political victory.” This was stated by the governor of the entity, José Alejandro Terán during a day of review of the 1x10 electoral machinery.

During his words, the entity's first civil authority emphasized that we are in the Venezuela of Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro where we have a powerful and the best social network of all, the human one with the 1x10 electoral,” he said.

“We are studying to get 20 points and we can say that we are on the right track. La Guaira is going to get the greatest vote in the entire history of Chavism, it will surpass the historic vote and we say this because we have the thing tied up in the human network of the 1x10 electoral system and above all because we are united,” he emphasized.

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