

La Guaira surpassed 80% hotel occupancy this Good Friday

Bahía de los Niños, El Yate, Coral, Sheraton, Naiguatá and Los Caracas beaches have 97% occupancy of awnings and chairs
La Guaira Government Press

Published at: 29/03/2024 08:51 PM

The Secretary of Economic Development of the Government of La Guaira, Marcos Meléndez, reported that hotel occupancy, for this Friday of Holy Week, exceeded 80% in Litoral Central.

In a press release published by the aforementioned state authority, on Instagram, he specified that “the beaches of Bahia de los Niños, El Yate, Coral, Sheraton, Naiguatá and Los Caracas have 97% occupancy of awnings and chairs, which has an impact on the economic recovery of the entity.”

He also indicated that the monitoring of economic activity in the entity is being carried out from the Tourism Observatory, on a constant basis, for the Holy Week season.

For his part, the governor of the entity, Alejandro Terán, in his account on the social network X, stressed that “the beaches of the west of the Central Coast also received hundreds of seasonal workers this Good Friday”.

Candilejas Beach and Surfista were filled with the joy of Mostacho Fest with recreational, sports and traditional activities to enjoy these days off # LaGuaira,” he highlighted.

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