

LA GUAIRA - MAIQUETÍA/Rodríguez: Imperialism's plan to impose on us the Lord of the Pendón will fail

Delcy Rodríguez, Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic
PSUV La Guaira

Published at: 14/05/2024 05:11 PM

“There is a new plan from the United States, they grabbed a man, they printed his photo on a banner and they are going to leave him sitting on their balcony watching the horizon while they intend to govern this country.”

With these words, the Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez, from a concentration of popular power in the Vargas municipality of the state of La Guaira, denounced the new maneuver of imperialism that seeks to impose a president on Venezuelans using a puppet of the extreme right with the support of surnames.

“There will be no plan of the United States in Venezuela to work for them, the imperialist candidate will be defeated by the Venezuelan people because on July 28 there will be a popular victory,” Rodríguez said.

From the Maiquetía parish, the mobilized people ask the United States government to cease its attacks against Venezuela.

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