

La Guaira: 4,300 families from La Esperanza benefited from the Una Estrella de Mar program

The Government is making progress in actions that benefit the People
La Guaira Governorate

Published at: 09/07/2024 09:07 AM

A total of 4,300 families from 19 sectors of La Esperanza, Catia la Mar parish, in La Guaira State, benefited from the social program 'A Star of the Sea'.

According to information issued by the Government, this program promoted by the regional president, José Alejandro Terán, was deployed in that community for 15 days, complying with the 10 vertices of the Great Equality and Social Justice Mission Hugo Chávez.

In this regard, Terán highlighted that this social protection program, which was born in 2019 when he was mayor, precisely in the La Esperanza community, “is inspired by hope and by the face of every woman, man, boy and girl; in these streets and sectors. Now this program has expanded, has grown, has been consolidated and has been loved by our people, especially where the humblest are”.

During the day, 198 medications were delivered to vulnerable patients and 254 social supports, more than 2 medical consultations in the house-to-house approach, mobile clinics; more than a thousand toys given to children in the community who enjoyed recreational activities and a gaming area.

Meanwhile, 21 carriers were served, through the Omar Ramírez Cabrera program, with oil, battery and rubber kits. The Integral Community Defense Management Bodies and the updating of the Community Councils were formed.

In terms of food distribution, 49.53 tons of fish protein, chicken, mortadella and eggs were delivered.

“In addition, they encouraged 155 entrepreneurs with 204 articles corresponding to each of their occupations to consolidate their economy,” the Government reported.

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