

Kariña indigenous cultivators register for the Great Viva Venezuela Mission

Record of the Great Mission Viva Venezuela
VTV photo

Published at: 30/04/2024 08:43 AM

Cultivators of the indigenous Kariña community of San Ramón de Areo, Cedeño municipality in the state of Monagas, were registered in the Great Living Venezuela Mission, My Beloved Homeland, aimed at all those who carry out any creative, artistic, artisanal or cultural activity in the country, as announced by the Ministry of Popular Power for Culture.

In addition, through its account on the social network X, the Ministry for Culture indicated that cultivators will have the opportunity to participate in the grand opening of the festival on May 10, at the Simón Bolívar Monumental Stadium in Caracas.

The records of this mission were scheduled from April 02 to 20 in all Bolivar squares in the country, as reported by the Minister of Popular Power for Culture, Ernesto Villegas, however, it has been extended thanks to the massive interest of cultivators in participating. To date, more than 356,300 popular artists have signed up.

The purpose of this record is to enhance the rhythms, songs, dances and other expressions of the Venezuelan tradition, in addition to benefiting, through the second vertex of this mission, the production and economic support of culture. Those who wish to register can present their identity card and the supports that prove their experience in the country.

VTV/Mazo News Team