

Juan Germán Roscio: The founder of the Patriotic Society (+Christmas)

On March 10, 1821, this illustrious patriot died

Published at: 27/05/2024 08:16 AM

On May 27, 1763, Juan Germán Roscio, a prominent Venezuelan politician, writer and lawyer, was born in Guárico.

Roscio was the principal drafter of the Venezuelan Independence Act of 1811. One of the most distinguished patriots in the process of emancipation against the Spanish yoke.

In addition, he was part of the historic event of April 19, 1810 when he joined the council as a deputy.

He also participated in the drafting of the Constitution of the States of Venezuela, sanctioned on December 21, 1811. He edited the Caracas Gazette and founder and second director of the Orinoco Post Office and forerunner of the National Library.

Founder of the Patriotic Society in 1810. After the loss of the First Republic, he was arrested and sent to Spain, after being released by the Prince Regent of England, he traveled to Jamaica and then settled in the United States, where he published Triumph of Freedom Over Despotism.

In 1818, he supported Simon Bolivar in Angostura, in the reconstitution of the Republic of Venezuela and in the creation of Gran Colombia. He served as general director of Revenue, introduced paper money in Venezuela.

He presided over the Congress of Angostura and served as Vice President of the Department of Venezuela and Gran Colombia. He held this last position when he died, in New Granada, on the eve of the Congress of Cucuta, of which he would be president.

On March 10, 1821, this illustrious patriot died, 200 years later, as part of the commemorative acts of the planting of Roscio, his symbolic remains were transferred to the National Pantheon.

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