Jóvens del Barrio recovers spaces for life in the Sucre parish of Caracas


Published at: 06/06/2024 09:34 PM
The Youth Foundation of the “Antonio Cermeño” Neighborhood (JDB), attached to the Ministry of Popular Power for Communes and Social Movements (MinComunas), recovered the “3 pa 3" La Línea court, located in the Alta Vista sector, Sucre parish of the Bolivarian Libertador municipality of Caracas, thanks to the joint work of the La Línea Avanzadora Community Council, where the inhabitants of this town spent a different day through the Activa Tu Barrio Program, as part of the Plan for the Recovery of Spaces for Life and Recreation.
The restoration of this sports and recreational space aims to achieve a positive impact on the community. This type of activity encourages young people to participate in order to transform deteriorated spaces into safe and pleasant places for everyone to enjoy.
The director of Neighborhood Youth in Caracas, Wilmar Rondón, explained that young people from other areas of Caracas participated in the recovery of the space. “Once the sports area is operational, we seek to strengthen the culture and sports of neighborhoods; therefore, I invite young people to join the movement, follow the @jdbcaracas social network and learn about our care programs.”
Roy Sanz, coordinator of the Activa Tu Barrio Program in Caracas, indicated that these types of activities are important “in order to recover vulnerable spaces to prevent leisure and crime among young people.”
For her part, Nayleth López, youth facilitator for the Neighborhood in Caracas, said that sports territory allows healthy recreation and sharing, “avoiding the street situation among boys.”
Wilmer García, an assistant sports resident in this neighborhood, said that it is good to form a group of boys to build a sports team in this sector.
The recovery of these public spaces not only benefits residents' physical and mental health, but also encourages a sense of community and social cohesion. In addition, these initiatives contribute to reducing crime and violence by providing young people with positive alternatives to occupy their free time.
The Neighborhood Youth Foundation promotes programs that continue to grow day by day and serve as a model for other communities in Venezuela. It is worth noting that the recovery of public spaces is a social investment promoted by the Bolivarian Government, thinking about the future of young people and communities.
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