

Jóvens del Barrio honored Garly Sojo with basketball home runs in 7 states of the country

Heartfelt words for those who represented an example for the youth of neighborhoods such as Garly Sojo
FJDB Press

Published at: 23/01/2024 06:52 PM

The Antonio Cermeño Neighborhood Youth Foundation (FJDB), an entity attached to the Ministry of Popular Power for Communes and Social Movements, held a Basketball Quadrangular in 7 states of the country, in honor of the recently deceased athlete, Garly Sojo, who was a member of the national team.

This tournament made it possible to activate the nodules in the recovered courts in popular sectors, as part of the Plan for the Recovery of Spaces for Life and Recreation, so that young people in the neighborhoods can carry out sports and recreational activities.

This quadrangular was carried out in the states of Anzoátegui, Falcón, Lara, Miranda, Aragua, La Guaira and Carabobo, as part of the Activa tu Barrio program, promoted by the FJDB, with the purpose of attracting, serving and improving the quality of life of young people in the country's neighborhoods, with Recreational, Caiman Sports and Cinema activities in the Neighborhood.

It is worth noting that in the state of Anzoátegui, the national launch of the Quadrangular Basketball took place, with the reopening of the INAN court, located in the parish of San José de Guanipa, Guanipa municipality, where Jesús Cariaco, state director of JDB, explained that it was held in this state “because Garly Sojo finished his career in the Anzoátegui Gladiators team. In this home run, 5 teams and 100 young people participated, and the winner was Titanes de Guanipa”.

In the state of Carabobo, the quadrangular was held on the Los Fisco court, located in the Boquita neighborhood, San Joaquín parish of the San Joaquín municipality.

This was reported by José Ramírez, director of the FJDB in Carabobo, who explained that 4 community teams participated in this quadrangular, made up of young people from the community: “Where, thanks to the policies of the Bolivarian Government, we delivered a Ball to continue promoting this sports activity in the sector, with the participation of 25 young people.”

In the case of Falcón state, the basketball quadrangular was held on the José Chirinos “El Boby” court, located in the Esperanza de un Nuevo Renacer commune, San Antonio parish of the Miranda municipality, with the participation of 4 teams and more than 40 young people, including participants and spectators, coming from different parts of the Commune: Barrio Fino 1, Barrio Fino 2, Barrio Fino 7 and Candelaria, in which Los Halcones were the winners.

In the case of the state of La Guaira, this championship was held in the Valle del Pino sector, Caraballeda parish of the Vargas municipality, with the objective of serving the people who live and practice this sport, in order to encourage them to continue their practices and achieve their goals.
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