

Journalist's Day: Men and women who responsibly provide the People with timely information

Let us remember that the journalist is seen as an integral social communicator, who is due to society

Published at: 27/06/2024 08:20 AM

Every June 27, Venezuela celebrates National Journalist Day, in homage to the release, in 1818, of the first issue of the newspaper Correo del Orinoco, created by Simón Bolívar, with the collaboration of Juan Germán Roscio, Cristóbal Mendoza, and others and was established in 1964.

This celebration was agreed by the Venezuelan Association of Journalists in support of the proposal of Guillermo García Ponce who, from the San Carlos Barracks, where he was imprisoned, sent a statement to the Fourth National Convention of the Venezuelan Association of Journalists (AVP) to celebrate Journalist Day on the same day as the first appearance of the Correo del Orinoco .

This newspaper became the voice of freedom. Bolívar summed it up this way: “We are free, we write in a free country and we don't intend to deceive the public.”

Let us remember that the journalist is seen as an integral social communicator, which is due to society, and it is also a great task carried out every day by those who are responsible for answering the what, the who, the where, the when, the how and the why of what is happening in the world.

It should be noted that in 2013, the jury of the Simon Bolivar National Journalism Award 2013 decided to unanimously award the extraordinary award to our Commander Hugo Chávez, who was not a journalist but was an excellent popular communicator for the people and for the people.

Mazo News Team