

José Laurencio Silva: The winner of historic battles (+birth)

José Laurencio Silva

Published at: 07/09/2024 08:08 AM

On September 7, 1791, José Laurencio Silva, general of the Venezuelan Army during the struggles for the Independence of the Fatherland, was born.

As a second lieutenant of militias, he began his participation in the emancipatory feat in 1810, and in that same year, he participated in the Choir Campaign under the command of Brigadier Francisco Rodríguez del Toro.

In 1811, together with General Francisco de Miranda, he took part in the clashes against the royalists in Valencia. After the Loss of the First Republic, he formed a guerrilla movement between Guárico and Cojedes.

In 1813 he joined the Patriot Army, demonstrating an unwavering loyalty to the Liberator Simon Bolivar, as in the case of the Battle of Taguanes and in all the movements of 1814.

He acted courageously with José Antonio Páez in the Apure Campaign in 1819 and after the glorious victory of the Battle of Carabobo he received the colonel's office.

He accompanied Bolivar to liberate South America, participating in historic battles such as Junín and Ayacucho. In total, he participated in 17 battles and minor engagements, during the emancipatory feat.

He died on February 27, 1873. His remains were buried in the National Pantheon on December 16, 1942.

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