

José Brito is another opponent who formalized his presidential candidacy before the CNE

José Brito, is another of the presidential candidates on the right
Photo: Internet

Published at: 23/03/2024 01:44 PM

This Saturday, three opposition political organizations nominated José Brito before the National Electoral Council as their flag bearer for the presidential elections on July 28.

The right-wing parties Primero Venezuela, Venezuela Unida and Unidad Visión Venezuela are the ones who support this counterrevolutionary candidacy.

During the activity carried out at the headquarters of the Comitorial Body, Brito assured that his candidacy represents a distance from those sectors of the extreme right that seek to generate acts of violence and actions against our country.

“When we see the volley of adjectives, disqualifications and the zoo into which they have turned the exercise of politics, we say it's worth it,” he said, referring to his application.

In this regard, he assured that the extremist leadership that asks for sanctions for the country is part of the “political symphrinage” that does not know the people and the pain that these measures cause them.

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