

Jorge Rodríguez warned that anyone who tries to violate the peace during the 28J elections will be imprisoned

Coordinator of the Venezuela Nuestra campaign command, Jorge Rodríguez
Photo: Courtesy of Our Venezuela Campaign Command

Published at: 04/06/2024 01:57 PM

This Tuesday, June 4, the coordinator of the Command of the Our Venezuela Campaign, Jorge Rodríguez, warned that anyone who tries to violate the peace of the Republic, before, during or after the presidential elections of next July 28, will be imprisoned.

“They are warned, whoever tries to violate the peace will go to jail, we are not going to have contemplations, because there are thousands of Venezuelans we must take care of,” said Rodríguez, during a press conference from the Bolivar Theater in Caracas.

Rodríguez urged the extreme right to recognize the electoral results, “we are ready, we are going to recognize the results in peace.”

He also denounced that an opposition sector wants to install the matrix of fraud in Venezuela and thereby generate violence. “We are not going to allow them.”

The coordinator of the Venezuela Nuestra campaign command predicted an immense victory for Nicolás Maduro in presidential elections. “I don't say to sing victory, I only say it because it's true, because we have a conscious people.”

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