

Jorge Rodriguez to Brian Nichols: Don't insist on practices that our people have already defeated

“The Venezuelan extreme right only knows about extra constitutional solutions, coups and death,” Rodríguez said

Published at: 23/01/2024 10:03 PM

The president of the National Assembly (AN), Deputy Jorge Rodríguez, assured that he is also extremely concerned about the evidence of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), in the assassination attempt against the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, and the Minister of Popular Power for Defense, Vladimir Padrino López.

This was stated by Rodríguez in his account on the social network X, in response to a publication by the Undersecretary of State for the Western Hemisphere of the United States, Brian Nichols, on the same social network, in which he expresses “deep concern” about alleged actions against the Venezuelan opposition.

In the message, the deputy said he was “deeply concerned about the evidence of the participation of the CIA and the DEA, institutions of the Government that you represent, in the attempted assassination of President Nicolas Maduro and the Ministry of Defense @ Vladimirpadino”.

He reiterated that he is “deeply concerned that the 5 events unveiled, with confessions of those involved, occurred while we were in contact with his delegation.”

In that regard, he maintained that “did you know that this was happening while we were seeing each other face to face? Deeply concerned that your obvious and frequent response is to deny the facts without even attending to the evidence.”

Should we wait, as happened in Chile, for the documents to be declassified?” , questioned and added that he is “deeply concerned about the compulsion to repeat on the part of the Venezuelan extreme right, who only knows about extra constitutional solutions, blows and death, which we will never allow or stop fighting”.

“All of Venezuela wants peace. Do not insist on practices that our people have already defeated in the last four years,” he recommended.

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