

Jorge Rodríguez: The electoral campaign will be a battle against lies and blockades of all kinds

“There is real censorship against Chavism and its candidate,” Rodríguez warned

Published at: 16/05/2024 08:04 PM

The newly appointed general coordinator of the National Campaign Command “Our Venezuela”, a member of the board of directors of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Jorge Rodríguez, said that the economic recovery of Venezuela has been described by many people as miraculous, which also includes the fact that it was the country that best managed the global pandemic of COVID-19, all led by Nicolás Maduro, president of the Republic.

He stated that these are irrefutable facts, since the next electoral contest, “will be a battle against lies, against blockades of all kinds.”

“Blockades not only to our economy, brutal, criminal sanctions, but even our right to equal conditions, as stated in the rules of the National Electoral Council, to access the media and social networks,” he argued.

In that sense, he emphasized that currently this access is obstructed, “there is a real blockade, there is real censorship against Chavism and against the Chavism candidate, because that is the only way they have to impose their lies and all those fraudulent elements that they have been trying to sow in public opinion.”

The proposal was made by Rodríguez, at the Humboldt Hotel, located in the Waraira Repano Park in Caracas, where the president of the PSUV, Nicolás Maduro, installed the National Campaign Command “Our Venezuela”.

He stated that all these criminal actions were aimed at preventing the Bolivarian Government from being able to sustain the welfare state that emerged with the arrival of Commander Hugo Chávez.

“Now they are trying again and the big question that we have to ask them and for the people of Venezuela to ask themselves is: Why is the United States, your government, so interested in Venezuela?” , he commented.

He warned that every time the United States “gets into a country, it's to destroy.”

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