

Jorge Rodríguez: Sanctions are going to be lifted by force from the People of Venezuela

Jorge Rodríguez, President of the National Assembly
Photo: Internet

Published at: 02/05/2024 04:31 PM

The United States must lift the sanctions imposed on Venezuela, as they affect the free development of the country's activities, said the president of the National Assembly (AN), Jorge Rodríguez.

During the beginning of the plenary session of the parliament this Thursday, May 2, Rodríguez pointed out that these coercive measures had to be lifted in accordance with what was agreed at the different negotiating tables established with Washington and the Venezuelan opposition.

In this regard, he rejected the recent statements made by the US Undersecretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Brian Nichols, on Venezuela, while rebutting that this US official intends to act as “a ministry of conduct” to pressure free and sovereign countries.

“You and we know what was being talked about in Milan and in Doha. You know what was signed in Doha and what I subscribe to is that by now the United States should have lifted all criminal sanctions affecting the normal life of the people,” he said.

In the same way, he stressed that Venezuela is a country that loves its freedom, independence and sovereignty, so it will not bow to imperialism.

He also stressed that the People of Venezuela will defeat the U.S. presidential candidate and will also succeed in lifting criminal sanctions on the streets.”

“Sanctions are going to be lifted by force from the people of Venezuela,” he emphasized.

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