

Jorge Rodríguez reiterates that the Bolivarian Government has complied with the Barbados Agreement

President of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez

Published at: 29/01/2024 01:49 PM

The president of the National Assembly and head of the delegation of the Bolivarian Government at the dialogue table with the opposition, Jorge Rodríguez, reiterated on Monday the conditions set out in the Barbados agreement, regarding the review of political disqualifications, and reiterated that the Executive has complied.

At a press conference from the Federal Legislative Palace, Rodríguez explained that the agreement establishes “defining a mechanism that will promote authorization to all presidential candidates and political parties as long as they meet the requirements established to participate in the presidential election.”

“The delegation of the PU (Unitary Platform) and the delegation of Venezuela designed a procedure, a mechanism, which is signed here,” which “very clearly establishes the recommendation to the Political-Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice regarding the review of disqualification measures,” ñ he recalled.

In this regard, he pointed out that “about two dozen people and political organizations attended and the Administrative Political Chamber will rule on the admission of the lawsuit and the requested precautionary protection, it was very clear, what were the procedures that should be followed. And it says every one of the interested parties assumes the commitment to respect the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the laws.”

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