

Jorge Rodríguez rebukes Brian Nichols about US actions in the face of conspiracies

National Assembly press conference
AN Press

Published at: 25/01/2024 12:58 PM

The president of the National Assembly (AN), deputy Jorge Rodríguez, presented this Thursday the confession of José Gregorio Montiel García, security chief of one of the presidential residences, who was recruited by foreign forces to plan a kidnapping and assassination operation against the head of state, Nicolás Maduro.

During a press conference, from the Federal Legislative Palace, Rodríguez criticized the positions expressed by North American imperialism and the factors of the Venezuelan right in defense of the conspirators who sought to disturb the peace of the nation.

In this regard, he rebuked the Undersecretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs of the United States (USA), Brian A. Nichols, when he pointed out what his position would be in the face of the actions of a senior official who intends to kidnap and assassinate the President of the North American country.

“What should be the position that the government of the United States of America would handle? Please enlighten us,” said the parliamentarian in reference to the repeated questioning of the legal and constitutional actions taken by the Bolivarian Government to neutralize the operations with which they intend to attack the Homeland.

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