

Jorge Rodríguez on the disqualification of María Corina: There's nothing more to talk about it

President of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez
AN Press

Published at: 29/01/2024 02:25 PM

During a press conference from the Federal Legislative Palace, this Monday, the president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, urged the delegation of the Unitary Platform (PU) at the Dialogue Table to revive the Barbados agreement and leave behind what has been judged, such as the disqualification of the opposition María Corina Machado.

In this regard, he rejected the statements made by the said leader regarding the holding of the presidential elections. “How is a human being, who is one more of the 30 million Venezuelans, who is one more among the 21 million voters, going to say: 'without me there will be no elections'? In other words, we return to the periods of the Sun King, 'the State is me'”, he criticized.

“I invite you (the opposition delegation) to close that chapter of the recent past and look to the future, to look to what is to come, to try to revive as much as possible the dialogues of the Barbados agreement, and the things played are those things played, there is nothing more to talk about that,” he emphasized.

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