

Jorge Rodríguez on the alleged coercion of Edmundo González: He has 24 hours to deny that accusation! (+photo)

President of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez
AN Press

Published at: 18/09/2024 01:39 PM

The president of the National Assembly (AN), Jorge Rodríguez, denied this Wednesday the alleged coercion alleged by former opposition extremist candidate Edmundo González Urrutia to sign the letter recognizing the ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), which confirms the victory of President Nicolás Maduro in the elections of last July 28.

At a press conference given to national and international media, Rodríguez showed the evidence showing the political leader signing the document before fleeing the country to Spain, in a meeting in which the Head of Parliament himself, the Executive Vice President Delcy Rodríguez and the Ambassador of the Iberian country in Caracas participated.

“The only thing you take to your grave is your good name and your word. To be liars, you need a very good memory, because you have to remember the lie to see how you fix it later,” said the President of the AN.

In this regard, the deputy called on the media, “like many of you who belong to these great matrixes who have become accustomed to accepting the lies of Venezuelan opponents and rightists as if they were true, without asking a counterquestion. Where is the coercion here? (...) Is the Spanish ambassador complicit in the coercion? Because it's there,” Rodríguez said, revealing images of the meeting.

He stressed that González Urrutia, at best for you, because for me nobody, there is no human power on this planet that forces me to put my name on something that I don't agree with, it doesn't exist. In the best case scenario for you, you are a coward.”

In this regard, he gave an ultimatum to the extremist leader to deny this alleged coercion. “If in the next 24 hours you don't deny that infamous accusation you have made, I will show the evidence of the conversations that you and I had face to face, you have 24 hours to deny,” he emphasized.

If I don't deny the false accusation within 24 hours, I will present all the evidence I have of the meeting with González Urrutia,” he later reiterated, adding that I don't put my signature and then say that it was forged, that's why this was at my behest. We have a record of the encounter because we knew about these maneuvers.”

After being questioned by the press, Rodríguez said that the meeting with González Urrutia was in a cordial tone, “the courteous doesn't take away from the courageous.”

In this regard, Rodríguez warned that “the established asylum rule states that the applicant must be limited in their political action in the country to which they arrive. It has obligations to Spain, here we will see if this country complies with the rules. The setting was friendly and courteous, in which he always decided to leave the country.”

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