

Jorge Rodríguez: Law for the Defense of Guiana Esequiba met requirements for approval

“Hundreds of consultations were carried out with all sectors of the country,” he said
Presidential Press

Published at: 03/04/2024 05:46 PM

The president of the National Assembly (AN), Jorge Rodríguez, during the act of enactment of the Organic Law for the Defense of Guiana Esequiba, asserted that this legal instrument ratifies Venezuela's incontrovertible right to that territory.

“A law so that, in an orderly manner and within the framework of the Geneva Agreement, the state of Guiana Essequiba is created, ratifying the rights that Venezuela has over that territory,” the deputy stressed during his participation in the event.

P specified that this law complied with the necessary steps for its approval, so that once the consultation requests have been exhausted, it is ready to be enacted by the Head of State; Nicolás Maduro Moros.

“Hundreds of consultations were held with all the sectors of the country that supported the Draft Organic Law for the Defense of the Essequibo, and today we are handing over, Mr. President of the Republic, the Law that has already been established its constitutionality by the Supreme Court of Justice and sanctioned by the National Assembly so that you are responsible for the enactment so that the said Law enters into force,” he said.

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