

Jorge Rodríguez invited the people of Cumanés to remain active and mobilized in the face of the elections of 28J

Jorge Rodríguez: We are going to build a great force towards victory that guarantees peace
Photo: Social Network X

Published at: 25/05/2024 10:01 PM

The head of the Venezuela Nuestra campaign command, Jorge Rodríguez, invited revolutionaries to remain active and mobilized, ahead of the presidential elections on July 28.

“Let's go together Cumana, to remain active and mobilized to build a great force towards victory that guarantees peace and stability in the country for supreme happiness. We will continue to be an independent people!” , Rodríguez said, through a post on his account on the social network X.

This Saturday, May 25, Rodríguez toured the streets of Cumaná in Sucre state, accompanied by the Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, the governor of the entity, Gilberto Pinto, together with the Revolutionary People in rejection of the sanctions imposed by the North American government and in support of President Nicolás Maduro.

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