

IV Meeting of Pastors of the Child Jesus of Venezuela was held in Caracas

IV Meeting of Pastors of the Child Jesus of Venezuela
VTV photo

Published at: 29/01/2024 11:22 AM

At the Center for Cultural Diversity and Focal Nucleus of Venezuela before Unesco, in Caracas, the IV Meeting of Pastors of the Child Jesus of Venezuela was held, with the objective of strengthening the organizational structure and permanence over time of these expressions of the state of Miranda and other regions of the country.

According to information from Venezolana de Televisión, representatives of the states Miranda, Carabobo, Aragua and Táchira were present at the meeting, who agreed to begin the historical record of each of the existing brotherhoods, societies and brotherhoods in the country.

In this regard, the Secretary of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Government, Mariam Martínez, indicated that this will allow us to have an official characterization of patrimonial expressions with their origin, meaning, clothing, music, songs, instruments, food, sweets and any other peculiarity.

In addition, the brotherhoods committed themselves to establishing, within the next ninety days, the Centers for Initiation and Transmission of Knowledge, as well as the Community Councils for the Safeguarding of Intangible Heritage and Cultural Diversity, an organization that guarantees the permanence of tradition from generation to generation, according to a press release from the Government of Miranda.

In addition, they also took the opportunity to review and approve the statutes of the National Association of Pastors of Venezuela, analyzed the project referring to the code of ethics and shared their experiences in terms of organization in each of the Venezuelan regions.